Wednesday, February 24, 2010

a trip to the Planetarium!

On Monday the 22nd we took a trip to the BYU planetarium! It was pretty awesome and I had a lot of fun. I had never been before so this was a new experience for me. But the best part was that we got to bring someone with us to class. I brought my husband and left our son home with a sitter so it was kinda like a date. But can it be a date if it is a class where you learn something? Hahaha But we did learn and looked at different constellations in the winter sky. That was very helpful to see our sky at night and have our teacher point out where things are. So helpful in fact that I was able to point out Orion's Belt and one of his dogs Siruis, on our way home. That was the first time I could look up in the sky and go "Hey I see Orion's belt, there it is." That was pretty cool to do. Things I also knew but never really think about till I was there: The stars in the sky change during the year and we have different stars at different times of the year. And that the sky in the southern hemisphere is different then the sky we are looking at now. I knew those things, but I guess I really don't think about them that often. But it is cool to know. One of my other favorite things was that we got to the see our closet neighboring Galaxy, Andromeda! How freaking cool is it that you can see a galaxy that is 2.5 million light years away with your naked eye !?!?!? Well not so much with your naked eye more like binoculars.. Well you can kinda see it with your eyes! But the point is that you can see it without having to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on some fancy telescope! It was a very fun trip and I hope I get to go back sometime!!

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